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Awesome Python Turtle

Awesome Pythhon Turtle Colour Changing Vibrant Circle in Python import turtle tur=turtle.Turtle() scr=turtle.Screen() scr.bgcolor('black') tur.pencolor('white') x=0 y=0 tur.speed(0) tur.penup() tur.pendown() colors = ['red', 'purple', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'yellow'] while True: tur.pencolor(colors[y%6]) tur.forward(x) tur.right(y) x +=3 y +=1 if y==210: break tur.hideturtle() turtle.done() Output:

Calculator in C#

Calculator features

  1. Use Modern GUI
  2. Modern Text box
  3. Modern buttons
  4. Perform Arithmetic Operations
  5. Perform Trigonometric operations
  6. Find factorial 
  7. Find permutation and Combination
  8. Find Square root and Square
  9. Find Logarithm
  10. Find Exponential

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